• The One That Started it all

    The One That Started it all

    This is going to be a big one, so strap in folks! My journey into accessibility started around 7 years ago, at university. A little module that tasked us with selecting a game or an app to redesign the UI, including in-depth UX research and explorations. Well, I can tell you, my little heart soared…

  • Impact


    Impact is an annual initiative to showcase and celebrate 6 disabled and neurodiverse individuals working in the UK games industry.  I am the Project Lead for this project, working on behalf of Many Cats Studios in partnership with Ukie’s #RaiseTheGame. I make sure everything is running correctly, liaise with the cohort and chat to industry partners on how they can get…

  • The Games Accessibility Knowledgebase

    The Games Accessibility Knowledgebase

    I noticed that there are so many resources for games accessibility out there, but nothing centralised, updated with new information and links regularly, and open for others to submit links to. The Games Accessibility Knowledgebase or the GAK for short, aims to fix this issue by being a live, centralised location for the endless and…